Updated Election Results for Nader/Gonzalez State by State

Mr. Underwood Goes to Googleland

Mr. Underwood Goes to Googleland .

While most of us sit in front of screens typing and searching, Ralph Nader still types out his prose on a manual Underwood typewriter.

On Monday, Mr. Underwood traveled to Google headquarters in Mountain View, California.

Nader is not easily dazzled by technological wonders.

Throughout his career, Nader has confronted head-on the downside of nuclear, automobile, genetic engineering and other industrial advances.

And now he’s questioning the enormous amount of time we spend in front of our computers.

Has Google and the information revolution that it leads made our society better?

Or is it just another mass diversion from the reality of the corporate takeover of our democracy?

At Googleland, Nader took questions for an hour.

And then sat down for an eight-minute interview with Youtube.

Nader/Gonzalez is confronting head-on the reality of the corporate takeover of our democracy.

As you know this week, we are raising money to get Nader/Gonzalez on the ballot in the Land of Lincoln - Illinois.

In just five short days, 462 of you - on-line and face-to-face at Nader/Gonzalez rallies on the West Coast - have donated $43,718.

Thank you.

We need just another 70 of you - our loyal supporters - to donate $100 each - to reach our Illinois goal of $50,000.

Let’s get her done today.

Do it for Mr. Underwood.


The Nader Team

PS: We invite your comments to the blog (see below).

We need gas money - contribute.