Updated Election Results for Nader/Gonzalez State by State

Ten Dollars, Ten States, Ten Days

Ten Dollars, Ten States, Ten Days .

Let’s start with this.

We need $10 from you to get Nader/Gonzalez on ten state ballots in ten days.

So, if you haven’t donated to Nader/Gonzalez yet, now is the time - please give ten dollars now.

Our goal - $40,000 by July 6.

We have more than fifty young, energetic roadtrippers busting it on the ground all around the country for Nader/Gonzalez - the only candidacy that will shift the power from the corporations back to the people.

(If you think Obama is that guy, think again. Obama is moving in the other direction - running away from the people into the arms of the corporations. Check out Obama’s most recent flip-flop on giving immunity to telecom corporations under the government surveillance and wiretapping bill. And then watch Ralph Nader say no to wiretapping here.)

In Illinois we’ve collected and turned in more than twice the signatures we need.

In Arizona, we’ve collected and turned in more than three times the signatures we need.

In Nevada, we will turn in more than twice the signatures we need.

By July 6, with your help, we’ll be penciled in for ten states - Arizona, Colorado, Illinois, Hawaii, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Tennessee,Utah and Washington.

And we’re targeting 40 states by the end of the summer.

There is a reason the corporate Democrats and corporate Republicans are concerned about Nader/Gonzalez.

We’re at six percent in the most recent CNN poll.

And we plan to be on 45 state ballots come November (up from 34 in 2004.)

So, drop a ten spot on Nader/Gonzalez now.

Of course, the more the merrier.

But $10 is what we’re asking from each and every one of you - our loyal supporters.

So do it now.

Hit the button.

And put ten dollars on the real deal.

Thank you in advance.

(By the way, don’t forget that Ralph Nader will be a guest on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos, Sunday June 29, 2008.)


The Nader Team