Updated Election Results for Nader/Gonzalez State by State

Ralph’s Weekend Audio Message

Ralph’s Weekend Audio Message .

Click here for Ralph’s Saturday audio message.

This is Ralph Nader.

I’m very proud of the millions of Americans who are standing with me and my running mate Matt Gonzalez in this momentous election year.

To the scores of signature gatherers around the country who have beared bad weather — thank you.

To those of you who have written letters to your local newspapers and defended our candidacy to friends and neighbors — thank you too.

To the thousands of you who have fueled the Nader/Gonzalez campaign with your generous donations — our gratitude.

We have polled over five percent in a number of national polls — most recently six percent in the CNN poll last week.

Nader/Gonzalez is projected to be on the ballot in 45 states come election day.

I was at a breakfast meeting with reporters this week in Washington, D.C.

And a reporter asked me if I thought Nader/Gonzalez had a chance to win.

Well, I said, if we get into the debates, before tens of millions of voters, it would be a three way race.

But before we get into the debates, we have to get on the ballots.

And as you know, we’re in the stretch run of our ballot drive.

We’re very close to hitting our target of $100,000 by tomorrow night.

We’re closing in.

So, help push us over the top.

After this weekend, we move from the primary to the general election period.

That means that this is the last weekend where your online contributions will be matched by the federal government.

More specifically, every dollar you give online this weekend, up to $250, will be matched or doubled by the government.

After this weekend, no match for online contributions.

Help push us over the top on our current ballot access fundraising drive.

Go to votenader.org and hit the contribute button.

You can give to your heart’s content—-up to $4,600 that is—-that’s the legal limit.

You will be fueling a campaign that will shift the power in specific ways from the giant corporations back into the hands of the American people—-whether as voters, consumers or taxpayers.

Thank you again for your support and your considered dedication.

Onward to November.