Updated Election Results for Nader/Gonzalez State by State

Citizen Kate Meets Public Citizen Number One

Citizen Kate Meets Public Citizen Number One .

I arrived in St. Paul, Minnesota this afternoon, home of the Republican National Convention. I am in town to shoot video of tomorrow’s Open the Debates rally.

In the midst of riot gear-clad police officers and flag-waving grim reapers mourning the demise of our democracy, I came across a ray of sunshine.

While visiting the offices of The Uptake, I met a woman named Citizen Kate, also known as Kate Soglin of Chicago, Illinois. When she learned that I work with Ralph Nader, Citizen Kate mentioned to me she had recently interviewed Ralph at the Democratic National Convention.

Here is her tongue-in-cheek interview. Thanks for brightening up my trip, Citizen Kate!

Watch the video here