Updated Election Results for Nader/Gonzalez State by State

The American People 1, Wall Street 0

The American People 1, Wall Street 0 .

Wall Street said — vote for the bailout.

Obama said — vote for the bailout.

McCain said — vote for the bailout.

Bush said — vote for the bailout.

The House Democratic leadership said — vote for the bailout.

The Republican Democratic leadership said — vote the bailout.

But in overwhelming numbers and with outrage, the American people said — if you vote for this bailout, we will vote against you in November.

And so, today the House voted 228 to 205 against the bailout.

Do we have a pulse yet?

Maybe yes.

And if we do have a pulse, we’re going to have to transfer that energy and outrage from Capitol Hill into the Presidential electoral arena.

Today, the American people rose up and slapped down the two Wall Street controlled political parties.

In October, we must keep up the energy.

And support the one national candidate for President untouched by Wall Street.

His name is Ralph Nader.

And were he President, we would not be in this mess.

Wall Street would be properly regulated.

And the orgy of reckless greed would have been prohibited.

Today, you have kicked it in big time, driving us upward to our goal of $150,000 in our Three Way Race fundraising drive.

Now, we’re in the home stretch.

Approaching $130,000 with one day to go.

So, if you have not yet donated to Nader/Gonzalez, please do so now.

Give whatever your heart desires — $10, $100, $1000 — up to the legal limit of $2,300.

Keep an eye on the widget, as we surge upward to our goal.

And after you have contributed, check out our new videos here starring Ralph Nader.

Nader on the Bailout
Nader on the Obama/McCain Debate

(Ralph is barnstorming across California denouncing the bailout and is holding a press conference right now that we will be putting on our YouTube page later tonight.)

Thank you for your support.

We’re hoping for an October surprise.

And a breakthrough in November.


The Nader Team