Updated Election Results for Nader/Gonzalez State by State

The Dating – er, Debating – Game

The Dating – er, Debating – Game .

You’ve heard of the Dating Game, right?

Well, today, you can play the Debating Game.

Are you ready?


As you know, Obama and McCain will debate tonight at 9 p.m. EST in Nashville.

Ralph Nader was excluded from the debates by the two-party controlled, corporate-funded debate commission.

But, thanks to the wonders of modern technology, when the debate is over, Ralph will be streaming live his thoughts on the Obama/McCain debate.

And he’ll be answering questions from you.

You can send your questions to Ralph — E-mail them now to yourquestion@votenader.org.

Ralph will answer as many questions as time permits.

So, at 11:00 p.m. EST, click here to watch Ralph Nader live.

During the corporatized Obama/McCain debate from Nashville, to help you stay awake, you can join with Nader/Gonzalez supporters around the country and play The Debating Game.

Here’s how it works.

Add up every time that Obama says — I agree with Senator McCain.

And every time that McCain says — I agree with Senator Obama.

And every time McCain or Obama says any of these key words or phrases:

Middle class
Safe nuclear
Clean coal
Troop surge
Rescue package
al Qaeda
Countries that don’t like us
Dependence on foreign oil
Capture and kill
Failed economic policies
Tax cuts
Grave threat
Working familes

Then add to that total the words, phrases and issues that Ralph Nader would have mentioned had he been on the stage (but that Obama and McCain do not mention), words and phrases like:

Working class
Taft Hartley Act
Labor Unions
Consumer Protection
Military Industrial Complex
Single Payer Healthcare
No to nuclear power, yes to solar
Carbon tax
Corporate power
Corporate welfare
Corporate crime
Living wage
Open Presidential Debates

Add all of that.

And multiply the number you get by $1.

(We guess the number will be around 40 or so)

And donate that amount to Nader/Gonzalez.

Or you can just assume right now that Obama and McCain will do their regular corporate Obama and McCain thing.

And they won’t do their Nader imitations.

And donate $40 to Nader/Gonzalez

So, tune in to the corporate debates.

Play The Debating Game.

Then watch Ralph live on votenader.org.

For those of you organizing debate parties, remember to blog to your heart’s content at these sites using these talking points as a guide.

Onward to November

Jason Kafoury
The Nader Team

PS: If you donate $100 or more now, we will send you an autographed copy of Ralph’s classic — The Seventeen Traditions (HarperCollins 2007). The 150-page hardcover book details the seventeen traditions that Ralph grew up with and is the closest thing so far to a Ralph Nader autobiography. So, don’t miss out on this limited edition offer. (This offer ends October 12 at 11:59 p.m.)