Updated Election Results for Nader/Gonzalez State by State

We Need Gas Money

We Need Gas Money .

Drop $3 on Nader/Gonzalez now.

As you read this, Ralph Nader and the Nader Road Team are barnstorming across the Midwest.

Sweeping through Iowa, Kansas and the Dakotas.

Driving more than 1,000 miles in two days.

Leading the only true opposition left in this country.

The only true opposition to corporate control and domination.

So, help us pay the gas bill now.

We’re in the last days of our $250,000 fundraising drive.

Already today, you’ve given $15,000.

We need another $15,000 tonight to make it to $200,000.

So, we need 5,000 of you, our loyal supporters, to donate $3 each.

And we’ll have a shot to meet our goal tomorrow.

(We raised close to $40,000 in one day last month. No reason we can’t do it again tomorrow.)

But we need a chance.

So, pay our gas bill now.

And get us to 200,000 by midnight tonight.

As you know, we have yet to miss a fundraising deadline.

And we don’t plan to now.

After buying us a gallon of gas, listen to Ralph from this morning on NPR. Click here to listen.

Then read the Associated Press story that ran earlier today.

By the way, the video featuring Jason Kafoury, our National Campaign Coordinator, is zooming up the Youtube charts. It’s holding steady at number one in YouTube’s activism category.

In case you missed it, here it is.

Okay, let’s bump it up to $200,000.

Donate whatever you can afford to the only true political opposition left in these United States.

Let’s meet this deadline.

Onward to November

The Nader Team

PS: If you donate $100 or more now, we will send you an autographed copy of Ralph’s classic — The Seventeen Traditions (HarperCollins 2007). The 150-page hardcover book details the seventeen traditions that Ralph grew up with and is the closest thing so far to a Ralph Nader autobiography. So, don’t miss out on this limited edition offer. (This offer ends October 12 at 11:59 p.m.)