Updated Election Results for Nader/Gonzalez State by State

Wall Street Rally on DVD

Wall Street Rally on DVD .

Buffalo, here we come!

Today, Ralph and the Nader Team are motoring upstate through New York State.

Syracuse, Rochester and Buffalo are on tap.

We need gas money to make sure Ralph makes it all the way to Buffalo.

So, drop $15 on Nader/Gonzalez for five gallons of gas now.

Yesterday, more than 1,500 people attended our boisterous rally on Wall Street.

In his speech, Ralph ripped into Wall Street crime and Washington corruption.

Even the New York Times showed up.

And for only the second time this year, the Nader/Gonzalez campaign was "fit to print."

The Times headline writer even threw us a bone: "Nader Displays New Fervor on the Bailout Issue."

After the Wall Street rally, Ralph moved north to New Paltz and Albany.

In Albany, Ralph drew a big crowd.

Check out the local news video report here.

Today, Ralph will be in Syracuse, Rochester and Buffalo.

If you are in the area, please join us.

If not, please help us defray the costs of our upstate New York trip.

Donate now — $10, $20, $50, $100 — whatever you can afford.

Up to the legal limit of $2,300.

We’re in the stretch run now.

And we need any and all help you can give.

We’re been given the green light to run radio ads throughout the country.

And we’ll be announcing our radio campaign here soon.

Stay tuned.

We’ll be driving hard through Election Day.

So, do whatever you can do now — even a few bucks to pay for the gas as Ralph continues campaign in all 50 states.

We’ve started up our new widget — and we need to hit $100,000 by Monday night to give us a shot to meet our goal by October 24.

Remember, if you give $100 now, we will ship you our special Wall Street rally DVD, featuring Ralph’s rip-roaring speech on Wall Street.

In addition, we’ll send you two great books — Gangster Capitalism by Michael Woodiwiss, and The Cheating of America by Charles Lewis, Bill Allison and the Center for Public Integrity. (This offer ends October 24, 2008 at 11:59 p.m.)

Onward to November

The Nader Team