Updated Election Results for Nader/Gonzalez State by State

Ralph Nader for President 2008 blog

Three Million Dollars by Midnight Tonight 09/30/08

Three Million Dollars by Midnight Tonight

Got $3?

Donate it now to Nader/Gonzalez.


We're just $25,000 from reaching the $3 million mark.

Three million dollars for the year!

That might be peanuts to McCain and Obama.

But it's real nutrition for Nader/Gonzalez.

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Pass It On: Obama's Money Cartel 09/30/08

Pass It On: Obama's Money Cartel

Obama’s about face should have come as no surprise to anyone watching his early contributors who were, despite Obama’s promises to the contrary, the band of usual suspects.

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The American People 1, Wall Street 0 09/29/08

The American People 1, Wall Street 0

Wall Street said -- vote for the bailout.

Obama said -- vote for the bailout.

McCain said -- vote for the bailout.

Bush said -- vote for the bailout.

The House Democratic leadership said -- vote for the bailout.

The Republican Democratic leadership said -- vote the bailout.

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The MOB Hands Us an October Surprise 09/29/08

The MOB Hands Us an October Surprise

Opposed to the bailout of Wall Street crooks?

Donate $10 now to Nader/Gonzalez.


We're in the tenth month of our campaign.

And we're in the final two day stretch of our $150,000 Three Way Race Fundraising Drive.

Thanks to you, we're in striking distance.

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Obama Girl Stops by the Office 09/28/08

Obama Girl Stops by the Office

What's a Nader fan to wear during the last month of the campaign?

We suggest our heavyweight 100 percent cotton Buffalo t-shirt.

With the Buffalo on the front.

And Nader 08 on the back.

So, if you buy one now, Ralph will sign it for you.

It's destined to become a collector's item.

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It Isn't Who Won. It's What Won. 09/28/08

It Isn't Who Won. It's What Won.

Ralph Nader's response to the first Presidential Debate.

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Breaking News: Third Party Debate 09/27/08

Breaking News: Third Party Debate

Trevor Lyman is the man who organized the Ron Paul money bombs.

One Lyman money bomb raised $4 million in one day.

Another raised $6 million in one day.

Now, Lyman is at it again.

Lyman wants to hold a third party debate in New York City.

Lyman was inspired by Ron Paul's press conference a couple of weeks ago.

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That's Straight Talk Partner 09/27/08

That's Straight Talk Partner

Sheriff McCain Came Back to Town to Solve Bailout Crisis. Now He is Gone Again! Some 'Country First!'

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Your Soapbox -- Announcing Freedom Writers 09/27/08

Your Soapbox -- Announcing Freedom Writers

Were you disgusted by the sound bite debate you had to endure last night? Did you wish there was someone on stage who was actually addressing substantive issues instead of trading resumes and platitudes? Outraged by the fact that third parties are deliberately and systematically excluded from public discourse and that millions of Americans consequently don't know that they can vote for real reform?

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Letter from a Friend: A Personal Appeal 09/26/08

Letter from a Friend: A Personal Appeal

A letter from a dear friend to you, the American people.

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