Updated Election Results for Nader/Gonzalez State by State

Ralph Nader for President 2008 blog

In the Public Interest: Statement on Auto Industry Bailouts 09/18/08

In the Public Interest: Statement on Auto Industry Bailouts The Big Three are in big trouble, and they have themselves to thank for it. Continue reading ...

A Case of Mistaken Identity and Lessons from a Parrot 09/18/08

A Case of Mistaken Identity and Lessons from a Parrot

I have always been skeptical when people blame a lack of news coverage on some nefarious plot by the media. Most people who cry media ‘blackout’ aren't that newsworthy, have stories that don't check out, or don't pitch their story that well. The truth is, unless you have a compelling, timely, well pitched story, today’s media will not cover it.  They are too burdened by ever tighter web-driven deadlines, fewer reporting staff, and the barrage of sophisticated public relations professionals ...

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Looking to Hire 30 Get Out the Vote Nader's Raiders 09/18/08

Looking to Hire 30 Get Out the Vote Nader's Raiders

Good morning.

For every fundraising drive this year, we set the bar high.

And you exceeded all expectations.

Same for the most recent Get Out the Vote fundraiser.

We asked for $80,000 in a bit over a week.

And you blew past it – raising close to $90,000.

What can we say?

Thank you.

And thanks to your generosity, we are are now ready to hire more than 30 full time field staff for the stretch drive to November 4.

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Ridiculing Ralph 09/17/08

Ridiculing Ralph

In a letter to Congress on July 23, 2008, Ralph Nader warned that the federal government's bank insurance fund may be insufficient to handle the developing crisis in the banking industry. 

The day after Ralph sent out his warning, he was ridiculed in Congress.

One member, Spencer Bachus, at a Congressional hearing, mentioned Ralph's letter and said point blank "Our banks are well capitalized, our deposit insurance fund is sound. There's absolutely no factual basis for saying that there's not money there to pay."

Fast forward to September 17, 2008, today, less than two months after Ralph sent his letter.

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Constitution Day Civics Quiz 09/17/08

Constitution Day Civics Quiz

Donate $17 to Nader/Gonzalez.


It's September 17, 2008.

Constitution Day.

And we're really close to meeting our fundraising goal of $80,000 by midnight tonight.

Last we looked, we were just under $70,000.

So, let's crank it up.

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Pass It On Invitation 09/16/08

Pass It On Invitation

The Nader Team is launching an exciting new e-mail campaign, called Pass It On, that will feature an important news article from the mainstream, Internet, or alternative media. These e-mails will give readers crucial information about important election issues and prepare them to make educated arguments to their friends, families, and news outlets.

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The Young and the Restless 09/16/08

The Young and the Restless

Drop $15 on Nader/Gonzalez now.


Last night, fifteen of the best and brightest of the Nader/Gonzalez campaign -- some of them pictured here -- met at our DC headquarters office.

And they decided as a group.

To bypass the mainstream media.

And take it directly to the American people.

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To Be or Not to Be 09/16/08

To Be or Not to Be

Cardoso, my feathered friend, you've come from flying over the Amazon jungle to a cage in Utah--albeit an open-door cage with a fine master. Do not feel alone, Cardoso. Millions of voters have also been put into a cage. It is a corporate-dominated, two-party cage with no open door unless they break out and vote for Nader/Gonzalez. This ticket stands tall for justice, peace and freedom within a competitive democracy.


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Bleak Sunday, Momentous Monday, and Nader/Gonzalez 09/15/08

Bleak Sunday, Momentous Monday, and Nader/Gonzalez

On this momentous Monday, September 15, 2008, we make a simple request.

Donate $15 to Nader/Gonzalez.

The prudential choice for 2008.

We woke up this morning early.

Turned on C-Span radio.

And heard Brian Lamb quoting Ralph Nader.

From years ago.

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In Honor of Peter Miguel Camejo 09/13/08

In Honor of Peter Miguel Camejo

Peter Miguel Camejo, a civil rights leader, socially responsible investment pioneer, and magnanimo caballero for third party politics in the US, peacefully passed away early Saturday morning at his home in Folsom, CA with his wife Morella at his side -- only days after completing his autobiography.

The 68-year-old justice fighter had been battling a reoccurrence of lymphoma cancer, and his condition had rapidly deteriorated over the past few days.

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