Updated Election Results for Nader/Gonzalez State by State

Ralph Nader for President 2008 blog

What's My Crime? 11/01/08

What's My Crime?

"What's my crime?" Ralph Nader asked a reporter the other day.

"Persistence? Stamina? Having done more for the American people in 40 years than McCain or Obama?"

No, Ralph.

That's no crime.

That's why you should be President.

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Breaking Point: Obama Unmasked As An Economic Pirate 10/31/08

Breaking Point: Obama Unmasked As An Economic Pirate

I’ve spent my entire life undecided. Sitting on the sidelines. Researching. Listening to the talking points from both sides of the aisle, trying to determine which political party best represents /my/ ideals, should the time come to finally align myself. This year that time has come, and I’ve reached the ultimate conclusion: it is neither.

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Freak Out the Corporate State 10/31/08

Freak Out the Corporate State

Happy Halloween.

Today, you can help us Freak Out the Corporate State.


Donate $4 to Nader/Gonzalez now.


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Breaking Point: Voting for the First Time in 40 years...for Nader! 10/30/08

Breaking Point: Voting for the First Time in 40 years...for Nader!

"...Now with your candidacy he will register once again in order to vote for you. We both have never felt worse about this country than we do now, and your candidacy will be a motivating factor in getting him to register."

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The Final 100 Hours: Get Out the Vote 10/30/08

The Final 100 Hours: Get Out the Vote

In the final 100 hours before the election, we need your help to implement our get out the vote (GOTV) plan.

To make tens of thousands of phone calls, knock on doors in hundreds of communities, and pass out thousands of flyers and leaflets.

To remind voters that Nader/Gonzalez is the independent choice on November 4th.

It's a simple five step process.

Here's what you need to do:

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Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? 10/29/08

Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?

Brother, can you spare a dime?

We get ideas every day for fundraising.

Here's one we liked a lot.

It is estimated that the average household has an average of $90 in spare coins lying around the house.

In bottles.

In sofas.

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Nader & Gonzalez in Debates in Battleground States 10/29/08

Nader & Gonzalez in Debates in Battleground States

It's debate week!

Ralph Nader will appear tomorrow (Thursday October 30, 2008, 4:30 to 5:30 EST) in a Third Party debate at the City Club of Cleveland. Libertarian candidate Bob Barr and Constitution Party candidate Chuck Baldwin will participate in the debate. The three other electorally viable Presidential candidates have been invited.

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Breaking Point: Snatching Inspiration from the Jaws of Defeat 10/29/08

Breaking Point: Snatching Inspiration from the Jaws of Defeat

They feel like what they say or do does not matter. And in our current political climate, it doesn't. Seeing the defeat in too many people was my breaking point.

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What Do They Have to Do to Lose Your Vote?  10/29/08

What Do They Have to Do to Lose Your Vote?

The Trail of Broken Promises


Watching the Democrats in the final weeks of the presidential election has been a lesson in revisionist history. While they lament the terrible crimes perpetrated against the American people by George Bush and vow to keep fighting for our rights, they conveniently gloss over the fact that they have no standing to make such claims. 

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From the Road 10/29/08

From the Road

For the last three weeks, I have been traveling around the country talking to college students about Ralph Nader and the state of our democracy. There are disillusioned students responsible for their self-fulfilling prophecies; they are sure nothing will change and—surprise—nothing does. There are the victims of branding campaigns that have co-opted their powerful idealism, cored out the substance, and replaced it with aesthetic rebellion. And then there are the realist-idealists...

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