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Pass It On: Moore of the Same

Pass It On: Moore of the Same .

The House and Senate buckled and passed the economic bailout. But we can still keep the pressure on by pushing our demands.

So: In the next few days, we will bring you substantive suggestions from social commentators on how to resolve the financial crisis, suggestions you can remember as you continue the fight. The first one’s by Michael Moore—a ten-point plan to revive the economy while reforming the institutions that caused it.

There’s just one thing, though. Despite his intelligent laments and critiques, Moore has endorsed Obama. (link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/04/21/michael-moore-endorses-ob_n_97732.html). That’s right. After spending ten point proving that he understands the roots of the ecnomic crisis, Moore refuses the candidate who most shares his views—Nader—and supports the candidate who doesn’t—Obama—banking on the Obama Movement to make up for what Obama the Candidate lacks.

This article, then, is not just a plan for reviving our country. It is also a classic example of contradictory progressive politics in America, in which commentators criticizing the speculative bubble economy are busy buying hope and change futures in a speculative bubble democracy.


Ashley Sanders
The Nader Team

Today’s Pass It On article was written by Michael Moore and was published on his website. You can read the original article here. (http://www.michaelmoore.com/words/message/index.php?id=237)

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