We need your help to build our campaign online

Dear supporters,
I wrote to you two weeks ago asking you to help us Top the Charts at YouTube for our "7 Things You Can’t Say in ‘08: In Memory of George Carlin" video.
Your response was overwhelming and our video rocketed—over 28,000 views!
You helped make the video so popular that YouTube featured us in their YouChoose ‘08 Presidential Race playlist all weekend. Those are the kinds of wins that we need to grow our grassroots movement and to force the mainstream media to cover the Nader/Gonzalez campaign.
Ralph Nader may still use a typewriter, but the rest of us on the campaign team are super-charging our keyboards and preparing to win some key victories online. When the mainstream media shuts the Nader/Gonzalez campaign out, it’s you—our supporters—who can help us get the message out through the blogosphere, social networks, and online news communities.
But we need your help right now to push us to the next goal.
Ralph has no shortage of friends in real life, but we are currently behind the other candidates when it comes to "friends" on sites like Digg.com, YouTube, Facebook, and MySpace. And we need your help to catch up (and fast!).
Here’s all you have to do to make a huge difference:
If you already have an account on Facebook, or MySpace, just add us as a friend. That’s it, you’re done.
If you already have an account on Digg.com, add us as a friend and start digging our stories as often as you can. That will help push us up on the Digg the Candidates page.
And, if you already have an account on YouTube, please subscribe to our channel and help spread our videos around by sharing them with friends, family, and colleagues.
If you don’t have an account on any of these sites—what better reason to give it a try? Pick one. Create an account. And then join a network of thousands of Nader/Gonzalez supporters all around the country.
Please take a moment to do this right now. Yes, now!
It’ll only take five minutes and it will make a huge difference. Showing a groundswell of support online is key to breaking through the mainstream media blockade, and puts us one step closer to those Presidential debates.
I’ll update you on our progress over the coming days.
Thank you!
Jacob Sweeney
Social Networking Coordinator
Nader for President 2008
P.S. So far we have raised over $22,000 towards our July 20th fundraising goal of $60,000 to put Nader/Gonzalez on the ballot in five more states. Please contribute whatever you can to help out, and spread the word as far as possible.