Join an invite-only call with Ralph and Matt

Dear supporter,
We’ve just finished another hectic day here in the D.C. office and I wanted to dash off a quick udpate about the "Dinner with Ralph" e-mail contest. The whole team (including Ralph, who came up with the idea!) is blown away to see so many people sign-up as contestants, and even more as participants and supporters.
Over the last five days, over 200 of our supporters have reached out to more than 10,000 of their friends — clearly there’s nothing like a little of the good ol’ competitive spirit!
So — quickly — I want to remind you that it’s not to late to participate in the contest. The contest doesn’t end until August 7th, so there’s lots of time left to win dinner with Ralph, or Matt, or to win one of the many other prizes that are available.
And, we’ve just added two new prizes:
For anyone who enters and recruits at least five friends: take part in an invitation-only conference call with Ralph and Matt. That’s right — just recruit five friends to join our movement and you’re in on the conference call, and a chance to ask your questions to Matt or Ralph.
And, if you recruit 20 friends to join our "people fighting back" campaign: your choice of a t-shirt from our Web store (and we have lots of new designs on the way). People who reach 25 friends will get a t-shirt and a copy of the Declaration of Independence.
Reach out to friends. Win prizes. It’s really that easy. And we make it even easier by providing a way for you to invite up to 30 friends at a time from your address book — you can go back and invite more friends as often as you’d like.
The people who are currently in the lead — Ramy Mousa of Baton Rouge, LA; Anna Chambers of Fort Payne, AL; Scott Keddy of Cambridge, MA — all got there in just five days. Not only is there enough time to catch up, but with over 10 days left in the contest, there’s time to be queen (or king) of the hill. (The contest leader board is one of the most popular pages on our site right now!)
We really need more people to get in on the competition. Why? Because this is our chance to reach out beyond "the choir" and to speak to the people you know who may not even be aware of the Nader/Gonzalez campaign. They may not realize that Nader/Gonzalez is ready to stand up for the issues that matter in this election; issues like single payer health care, reversal of U.S. policy in the Middle East, and military withdrawal from Iraq. These are issues that need to be on the table this year.
That’s about it for today. Remember:
- It’s not too late to enter the contest
- Anyone who recruits at least five friends wins
- There’s lots of time left (contest ends on August 7th — that’s 10 days away!)
- The current contest leaders got there in JUST FIVE DAYS
- We want more people to participate so our message can reach beyond the choir
Jason Kafoury,
National Coordinator
Nader for President 2008
P.O. Box 34103
Washington, D.C. 20043