Chris Hedges: I'm Voting for Nader

We were watching C-Span yesterday.
And came across Brian Lamb interviewing former New York Times reporter Chris Hedges.
Lamb asked Hedges who he’s going to vote for this year for President.
Hedges did not hesitate.
"I’m going to vote for Nader," Hedges said.
"I can’t vote for anybody who doesn’t call for an immediate end to the war in Iraq."
"The war under post Nuremburg laws is a criminal war of aggression. It’s illegal. We have no right as a nation to debate the terms of the occupation. We have no right to be there."
Hedges is a beacon of morality and courage in swamp of corruption, dishonesty and cowardliness.
And Hedges stands with Nader/Gonzalez — the anti-war candidacy in 2008.
Hedges is just out with a new book, with Laila Al-Arian, titled Collateral Damage: America’s War Against Iraqi Civilians.
He’s the author of two other anti-war classics:
What Every Person Should Know About War
War is a Force that Gives Us Meaning.
Luckily, we’ve come across a stash of all three.
And for a donation of $200 now to fund our current ballot access drive, we’ll ship you all three books — Collateral Damage, What Every Person Should Know About War, and War is a Force that Gives Us Meaning.
So hit the donate button now.
And these three anti-war classics will be yours.
This coming fall, the Nader/Gonzalez campaign is positioning itself to make the war in Iraq a central issue in the November campaign.
But first, as you know, we’re in the middle of nationwide drive to put Nader/Gonzalez on 30 state ballots by August 10 — on the way to 45 ballots by September 20.
And we need to raise $100,000 by August 10 — just 13 days away.
So, donate $200 or more now, and we’ll ship you the anti-war trilogy by Hedges.
The offer expires Sunday August 3 at midnight.
Don’t delay.
This three book set makes a great gift for young and old alike during this campaign season.
(Only one set of three books per donation of $200 or more. If you would like two copies, please donate twice. Three copies, donate three times.)
Help push us past our $100,000 goal.
And get a great set of books in return.
Thank you.
Together, we are making a difference.
The Nader Team
PS: After you order your books, watch the one hour interview of Hedges by Brian Lamb here.