50 Dollars for 50 States

Ralph Nader is the only Presidential candidate who has promised to campaign in all 50 states this year.
In the age of the Internet, Ralph is a believer in taking it directly to the people.
State by state.
And whatever Ralph says goes.
So, we’ve put together a grueling fifty state schedule for him.
But the gas bill is starting to bite.
So, please, help us out.
Drop $50 now on Nader/Gonzalez, the only campaign that will take it to all fifty states.
Already, Ralph has campaigned in 27 states — Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Texas, Illinois, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine.
And coming up in the next couple of weeks, Ralph will be traveling to:
Colorado — for our Open the Debates Super Rally August 27 at the University of Denver Magness Arena.
Minnesota — for our Open the Debates Super Rally September 4 at Orchestra Hall in Minneapolis.
And before and after those rallies to New Mexico, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan and Ohio. (That will put us at 34 states by September 8.)
Check the complete schedule here.
And come out and see and hear Ralph lay out the Nader/Gonzalez platform of shifting the power from the corporations back into the hands of the people.
Remember, if you donate $100 or more now, we will ship to you two DVDs — a copy of the Patti Smith and Ralph Nader DVD — Awake from Your Slumber — autographed by Ralph — and a copy of the best argument for a single payer health care plan — Michael Moore’s Sicko. (Deadline for this offer: Wednesday August 20 at 11:59 p.m.)
So, give to your heart’s content — up to the legal limit of $4,600.
Help power Ralph on his 50 state tour of the United States.
And help us reach our new fundraising goal of $50,000 by Wednesday August 20.
Nothing could be sweeter than investing in Nader/Gonzalez.
For a bright and just future.
Onward to November.
The Nader Team