Sprint to the Super Rallies

We are in a sprint to the finish line.
That would be November 4.
And we’re not about to let up.
But for the first time since we started this campaign, we are in danger of not meeting one of our financial goals.
We set a goal of $50,000 by tomorrow night 11:59 p.m.
As of now, we are just under $30,000.
So, we need to ramp it up.
Big time.
And now.
We need 2,000 of you — our loyal supporters — to drop $10 each.
That simple.
So hit that there contribute button.
And drop a ten spot on Nader/Gonzalez.
Time to get it done.
By the way, did you hear some of the big names that are coming to our Super Rallies in Denver and Minneapolis?
Stay tuned.
Here’s one person who will be there for sure.
Ashley Sanders.
Ashley who?
Ashley Sanders.
Ashley gave one of the most eloquent and thought provoking endorsements of the Nader/Gonzalez candidacy this year.
Check out Ashley here — introducing Ralph in Utah last month.
But first things first.
Let’s not miss this deadline.
Kick it in so we can push it over the top.
Onward to November.
The Nader Team
If you donate $100 or more by tomorrow night, we will send you the best
argument yet made for single payer Medicare for all health
insurance — the DVD Sicko. Plus, we’ll send Awake from Your Slumber — the DVD starring Ralph Nader and Patti Smith — autographed by Ralph.