Third time's a charm

The general election campaign kicks off today.
To rev up our engines, drop $8 on Nader/Gonzalez now.
That’s one dollar a week between now and election day—November 4.
I’ve worked on all three Nader campaigns—2000, 2004, and 2008.
And trust me on this one. This year, we have the best chance to break through.
- There’s a serious and growing independent movement away from the corporate Democrats and Republicans.
- We’re going to be on more state ballots this year — 45 states (plus the District of Columbia) compared to 34 in 2004 and 44 in 2000.
- We’re heading toward double digits in a number of key state polls.
- And because we are going to implement a nationwide get out the vote drive that will put 2000 and 2004 to shame.
Translation — we’re shooting for a three way race.
The last sixty days between now and election day will be a blur.
We have our Minneapolis rally coming up later this week. (If we don’t all get arrested first — apparently the police in Minneapolis arrest you for political organizing.)
We’re in the process of transferring our ballot access crew over to our nationwide get out the vote drive.
And then it’s going to be all out, pedal to the metal —- precinct by precinct drive —- until November 4—to let the American people know that they have a choice.
It’s been one helluva year so far.
And it’s going one knock down drag out fight.
Bring it on.
But first things first.
Thanks to your help, we have not missed one fundraising goal this year. And we don’t plan to start now.
We’re entering the home stretch of our most recent drive.
We’re at $55,000.
But we need to hit $100,000 in three days — by this coming Thursday September 4. That’s $15,000 a day. It’s go time.
So, give whatever you can afford now — $10, $20, $50, $100.
And remember, if you give $100 or more now, we’ll send you three DVDs — the Denver rally, the Minneapolis rally, and a special debate DVD. (Three DVD offer ends September 4 at 11:59 p.m.)
Onward to November.
And what we hope will be a three-way race.
Jason Kafoury,
National Campaign Coordinator