Looking to Hire 30 Get Out the Vote Nader's Raiders

Good morning.
For every fundraising drive this year, we set the bar high.
And you exceeded all expectations.
Same for the most recent Get Out the Vote fundraiser.
We asked for $80,000 in a bit over a week.
And you blew past it – raising close to $90,000.
What can we say?
Thank you.
And thanks to your generosity, we are are now ready to hire more than 30 full-time field staff for the stretch drive to November 4th.
Six weeks of non-stop intensity to election day.
Here’s the job offer.
We’re looking for 30 full-time, dedicated Get Out the Vote field workers.
To tell the American people about the Nader/Gonzalez shift the power candidacy.
To encourage them to carefully consider our platform and record.
And to vote their hearts and minds, not their fears.
If you want to be one of the thirty Nader’s Raiders field staff, let us know now.
Send your resume to christina@votenader.org (Link to her e-mail address)
Or call 202.471.5833 and ask to speak with Christina.
If you know someone who might want to join with us – forward this message to them.
If you can’t afford the time to join our full-time staff, we definitely need you to volunteer as a precinct captain in our Get Out the Vote effort.
Also, check out our webstore. (link to webstore)
Everything there – signs, buttons, bumper stickers, t-shirts – is on sale between now and election day.
We need to create a high degree of visibility in every county and precinct in the country.
So go there now to get what you need.
Many Americans don’t even know Nader/Gonzalez will be on the ballot on November 4th.
We must all start talking with our friends, neighbors, and relatives to convince them to vote for the candidate who has been right from day one on the economic crisis, the war, national health insurance, regulation, the corporate crime wave, and the oil crisis.
As I write this, our research team is working non-stop to target areas where Ralph did well in 2000 and 2004.
We will be focused on areas with high numbers of independents and where independents traditionally do well.
If you’ve been waiting to get involved with your state Get Out the Vote program, now is the time.
Soon, we will also be sending state by state e-mails to introduce our national field coordinators and to help you get organized in your community.
Thanks to your ongoing support, we are excited about the chances for a breakthrough this year.
You never know what will happen.
So, let’s all hang tough.
And bust it over the next six weeks.
Together, we are making a difference.
Onward to November.
Jason Kafoury
National Campaign Coordinator