Nader Radio Ads Hit the Airwaves

Today is a big day for Nader/Gonzalez.
Thanks to you, beginning today — our radio ads will air in 22 markets in 12 states.
Click here to listen to the 30 second version and 60 second version of the radio ads.
Today through election day — the ads will run six times a day on radio stations in the following areas:
- Upstate New York
- Northern California
- Michigan
- Ohio
- Connecticut
- Oregon
- Florida
- Minnesota
- North Dakota
- Pennsylvania
- West Virginia
- Virginia
Please forward these radio ads to your address book, friends and family.
Also, we’d like to move these ads into as many markets as possible.
We can make it happen.
But we’d need to raise a boatload of money.
And soon.
So, if you haven’t given yet, please donate whatever you can to Nader/Gonzalez today.
Our goal is to hit $4 million by election day.
We’re about $190,000 away.
So, let’s crank it up.
And help drive our last widget upward to the finish line.
Onward to November.
The Nader Team
PS: Remember, if you donate $100 or more, we will ship to you the hard cover 40th Anniversary edition of Unsafe at Any Speed — Ralph’s historic expose of the American automobile industry — autographed by the man himself. It was the book that launched the American consumer movement and saved hundreds of thousands of lives. This autographed edition is bound to become a rare collector’s item after the election. So, get it now. Only a limited number left. (This book offer ends November 4, 2008 at 11:59 p.m.)