Assets of America: C-Span

In its 29 years of existence, C-SPAN has become a national institution relied on by millions of Americans for non-partisan coverage of government and public institutions. At least 28 million Americans watch C-SPAN every week and more than 25,000 viewers participate in C-SPAN call-in programs, providing an important "instant feedback system” to policymakers.
C-SPAN captures the daily White House press briefings and gavel to gavel coverage of Congress (including deliberations on the floor, and committee hearings). More importantly, C-SPAN serves as a forum for a wider diversity of views than are available on other television networks in the United States. The C-SPAN archives number in the hundreds of thousands of volumes, and are replete with interviews and talks given by authors, intellectuals, and statesman with a wide array of political dispositions, including Ralph Nader. While other networks eschewed the third party presidential debate between Ralph Nader and Chuck Baldwin, C-SPAN aired it live (View the Third Party Debate here). Most of C-SPAN’s programs are available to view for free on their website.
C-SPAN depends on the license fees paid by cable and satellite broadcasters; it is not subsidized by the government, does not accept corporate sponsorships, and generates no advertising revenues. This vital public service invites larger audiences and participants to deepen the roots of support.
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