Breaking Point: Raiders' Battle Cry

Please note the updated website below. It’s Keep your Breaking Point stories coming!
A Battle Cry
No McCama!
No Obain!
Democrats -n -
They’re all the same
Dylan spoke to us
About the rat race machine
Open your eyes
Every four years
They give us another
Lame Plan
Ralph Nader…has always
Been our man!
—Matt Dendy, AK
*John F. Kennedy*-Tries to invade Cuba, bringing us to the brink of World War III. Troop build ups in Vietnam. Spies on Martin Luther King
*Lyndon B. Johnson*-the anti-war candidate escalates the insane war on Vietnam in spite of the fact that he knew he couldn’t "win".
*The Clinton years*-‘nuff said.
*Barack Obama*-continued occupation in Iraq, escalated war in Afganistan, aggression against, Iran, Pakistan. Is Obama’s sword rattling a way to get votes? I don’t buy it when the majority of Americans and the rest of the world are sick of war and want solutions that bring peace.
*Nader/Gonzalez*- everything I want and more
—Jeanne Lafferty
Cambridge, MA
Yesterday, I voted for Ralph Nader. My breaking point happened during the vote for the 700 billion dollar bailout package. The fact that Obama and McCain both supported this terrible legislation completely closed the door on the Democrats and Republicans for me. The use of bribes and kickbacks (150 billion in pork) to fellow senators and house represenatives added insult to injury. Obama and McCain stood by as King George IV and Congress stole our money and gave it to the crooks. Neither one deserve the honor of leading our country. The only worthy candidate is Ralph Nader.
—Ryan Ripley
Plymouth, IN
If you haven’t reached your breaking point, visit
Send me your Breaking Point story to share at, so the growing numbers of independent voters can join our voices, and together, we can change the system.
Loralynne Krobetzky
Communications Director
Nader for President 2008