Breaking Point: Over the Edge

"Senator Obama – I am over the edge”
It makes me sad to watch Senator Obama evolve into a stereotypical politician, but probably that is what he has always been and I was too naïve to notice, too hopeful, waiting for the knight in shining armor. I began supporting Senator Obama’s campaign a year and a half ago. I went door to door in Albuquerque and Santa Fe, put up yard signs, and made hundreds of phone calls to different states using MoveOn during the entire Primary season. I have always believed in peaceful political change from within, until the 2004 election, when I changed my opinion and concluded that we would need to tear the house down and build a new one. I had given up on politics. Then Senator Obama came into my life and once again I had hope that I was not alone, and that what is right and good could rise to the surface and this country would have the opportunity to achieve all that it is capable of achieving.
But last night I spent an hour on the Nader/Gonzalez web site.
This morning I read the July 14 opinion piece in the NY Times by Senator Obama, "My Plan for Iraq,” and made the decision that the two party system cannot be fixed, and that Obama was not my last best hope. I must admit that following Senator Obama’s vote last week to reauthorize government spying, I was probably already over the edge, and then today I read in his first paragraph "We should seize this moment to begin the phased redeployment of combat troops that I have long advocated.” Redeployment means moving troops from one theater of war to a different theater of war. WE DO NOT NEED TO REDEPLOY - WE NEED TO BRING HOME these troops that have already served too long and too hard, too many times.
I will now hit submit and then return to the Nader site and begin to figure out how best we can move to a three party system. It is my hope that a new presence in Congress and the Senate could take control… Slow progress, but at least progress.
Bye Obama - I need to start making phone calls for Nader/Gonzalez.
—Donald Marsh
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Photo above provided by Tom Diggins
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Loralynne Krobetzky
Communications Director
Nader for President 2008