Ralph Nader for President 2008 blog
Nader v. Obama
![Nader v. Obama](/blog/2008/05/13/200px_badge-illinois-250.jpg)
We were thrilled to hear that Barack Obama is open to debating Ralph Nader.
On Meet the Press on May 4, Senator Obama told Tim Russert that he was willing to debate with "any of my opponents about what this country means, what makes it great."
Senator Obama!
What a breath of fresh air!
A Democratic presidential candidate who is willing to debate the corporate takeover of our democracy!
Can't wait.
Nader v. Obama.
Nader and Obama could barnstorm the state - can you say Lincoln-Douglas? - debating public health insurance, curbing the excesses of the oil industry, reversing U.S. policy in the Middle East, and the corporate takeover of our democracy.
What a breath of fresh air!
Did we say that already?
Continue reading ...No More Whining
![No More Whining](/blog/2008/05/12/200px_badge-illinois-250.jpg)
Call it the no more whining campaign.
Don't tell us about Bush/Cheney.
We know already.
The sewage has risen to the surface.
The question is - what are we going to do about it?
The answer is - Nader/Gonzalez.
Continue reading ...Nader at NHTSA Video
![Nader at NHTSA Video](/blog/2008/05/09/200px_unsafe.jpg)
Yesterday, we held a protest at the National Highway Traffic Safety Agency (NHTSA).
NHTSA is the federal agency Ralph Nader brought into being more than forty years ago.
It was set up to make cars safer.
Instead, NHTSA has morphed into a consulting firm for the auto industry.
Now, NHTSA is on the verge of issuing a rule that will deny roof crush victims their rights to seek justice and compensation.
Yesterday , Ralph Nader, a group of auto safety advocates, and others gathered in the rain in front of NHTSA's offices in southeast Washington, D.C. to protest the auto industry's takeover of the federal auto safety agency.
Here's the video report.
Continue reading ...Got Tax Rebate?
![Got Tax Rebate?](/blog/2008/05/09/200px_christina_tobin.jpg)
We need $50,000 to get Nader/Gonzalez on the ballot in Illinois.
Land of Lincoln.
Where Ralph Nader was bumped off the ballot in 2004 by the state’s Democratic machine.
Where already in 2008, state Democratic machine operatives are making threats about keeping us off again.
But this year, we’re not going to take no for an answer.
So, here’s the idea:
Tax your tax rebate check.
Deposit half.
Donate the other half to Nader/Gonzalez.
And help us climb this mountain.
Continue reading ...Movie Tackles Two Party System
![Movie Tackles Two Party System](/blog/2008/05/07/200px_500px_crashingtheparty.jpg)
Eric Alterman
Theresa Amato
Patrick Buchanan
Barry Commoner
Phil Donahue
Todd Gitlin
William Greider
Greg Kafoury
Carl Mayer
Ralph Nader
Lawrence O'Donnell
What do these people have in common?
They all have pretty strong views about whether or not the two corporate controlled parties in America should be challenged.
And if so, how.
And they all have starring roles in a fascinating new documentary that questions two party corporate control in America.
The documentary was put together by Henriette Mantel and Steve Skrovan - the makers of the movie An Unreasonable Man.
We've broken it up into five parts - Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five.
Take a peek.
Continue reading ...We Need Protest Money
![We Need Protest Money](/blog/2008/05/06/200px_unsafe.jpg)
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." - Edmund Burke
The Nader/Gonzalez Presidential campaign is starting a special protest fund.
We will be protesting the corporate takeover of our democracy.
We’re looking for 100 of you - our dedicated supporters - to donate $100 each to this protest fund.
Your money will be used the year to take it to the streets.
Continue reading ...The Sorry State of Health Care in America
![The Sorry State of Health Care in America](/blog/2008/05/06/200px_nurse1.jpg)
This is the grim story of a cancer patient, Lisa Kelly, and the famous, well endowed, non-profit M.D. Anderson Cancer Center of the University of Texas.
Barbara Martinez, a reporter for the Wall St. Journal, related the billing hurdles that Mrs. Kelly has been confronting since late 2006 in a shocking front-page story on April 28, 2008.
This is a tale of pay or die that recurs again and again all over our country and only in our country in the entire western world.
Continue reading ...A Working Mother
![A Working Mother](/blog/2008/05/05/200px_karen-dalek.jpg)
Dear Mothers, Daughters and Sons,
Mother's Day is Sunday. I wanted to share with you my favorite poem about motherhood. I remember it from an Ann Landers column when I was a young mother.
A Working Mother
My hands were busy through the day,
I didn't have the time to play,
The little games you asked me to,
I didn't have much time for you.
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Fill ‘Er Up for Nader West Coast Tour
![Fill ‘Er Up for Nader West Coast Tour](/blog/2008/05/02/200px_badge-gas-250.jpg)
One week from today, we’re sending Ralph Nader and Matt Gonzalez off on a speaking tour to Arizona, California, Oregon and Washington.
Gas prices are hovering at $4 a gallon.
We think it’s important to have a rigorous public debate about whether or not the oil companies should be treated like a public utility.
Federal judge Ed Ludwig, for one, says we should make oil a public utility.
According to Ludwig, a public utility is "a business that provides an everyday necessity to the public at large" - such as water, electricity, natural gas, telephone service, transportation, cable TV and other essentials.
Ludwig says that even a modest threat of making oil a public utility would drive down oil prices.
What better way to fight back against the skyrocketing cost price of oil at the pump than to send Ralph Nader - the chief critic of corporate power and the oil industry - on a speaking tour?
Continue reading ...West Coast Tour
![West Coast Tour](/blog/2008/05/01/200px_oil-book2.jpg)
West Coast, here we come.
Ralph Nader departs next week for Arizona, California, Oregon and Washington.
We're pushing hard to get Nader/Gonzalez on the ballot in those states.
Unfortunately, Wall Street executives have chosen to discriminate against us.
They give to McCain/Clinton/Obama.
But not to Nader/Gonzalez.
So, we must rely on you, our loyal supporters, to fuel our Get Out of Iraq, Fight Back Against the Oil Companies Tour.
With gas hovering around $4.00 a gallon in much of the West, we make this simple appeal to you - our loyal supporters.
We need gas money.
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