Pass It On: Divide & Conquer

Powerful people with a vested interest in perpetuating the war in Iraq—along with a complicit media—have masked their true motives for war with a humanitarian cry: We can’t leave Iraq or it will explode into civil war. This ostensibly ethical argument is not supported by facts or history.
In this article about the true causes of sectarian violence in Iraq, Will Van Wagenen debunks the myth of Iraq’s ‘longstanding’ sectarian hatred and exposes the real architects behind the violence: the United States government. Without this supposedly ethical reason for staying in Iraq, it is clear that we need Nader’s plan for complete military and corporate withdrawal that gives sovereignty back to the Iraqi people.
Ashley Sanders
The Nader Team
Today’s Pass It On article was written by William Van Wagenen and was published in The Mormon Worker. You can read the original article here.
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