Pass It On: Technocracy vs. Democracy

In his wide-ranging article, Mickey Z goes beyond the he-said-she-said of policy battles and reminds us that we do not live in a technocracy—where we discuss moral issues as strategic issues—but in a democracy—where we should use our freedom of speech to demand real equality for everyone. Mickey’s critique of a national philosophy based on violence, greed, and unjust power takes him through a myriad of political and social issues, from the exclusion of third parties to corporate power to the devastating policies of Bush and Gore. Mickey’s article reminds me of something Ralph Nader has been insisting on for years: that our politics must be based on the idea of justice and fairness for all people, and that a national boundary should not be an excuse to hide our violence behind our homage to a nation-state.
Ashley Sanders
The Nader Team
Today’s Pass It On article was written by Mickey Z. and was published in Dissident Voice. You can read the original article here.
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