Pass It On: An Earful

Now that the election is approaching, everybody is coming down from the hype to ask: what will happen after? They are referring, of course, to how we will pressure whoever becomes president. But the question becomes relevant in a more disconcerting way when we look at the advisers backing both candidates, who are—from the looks of things—going to take us down the same paths as before. If Colin Powell’s recent endorsement of Obama isn’t enough to convince you of executive continuity, these articles should shed some light on the issue. Both are from several months ago, but what they lack in currency they make up for in clairvoyance: their warnings about the connections between advisers and abdicating on the issues has proved prescient. Both invite us to remember that whatever organizing we do after the elections can be outdone by a few people who have the president’s ear.
Ashley Sanders
The Nader Team
Today’s Pass It On interview appeared on Amy Goodman’s Democracy Now! You can read the transcript or listen/watch the interview here.
The article was written by Elizabeth Schulte and appears in Counterpunch. You can
read the original article here.
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