Pass it On
Pass It On: Moore of the Same

This article, then, is not just a plan for reviving our country. It is
also a classic example of contradictory progressive politics in America,
in which commentators criticizing the speculative bubble economy are busy
buying hope and change futures in a speculative bubble democracy.
Pass It On: How I Spent My Economic Bailout Vacation

How I Spent My Economic Bailout Vacation
by John McCain
Pass It On: The Obama Bubble Agenda

When the same people causing a crisis are funding the man claiming to solve a crisis, we can expect more of the same.
Continue reading ...Pass It On: Obama's Money Cartel

Obama’s about face should have come as no surprise to anyone watching his early contributors who were, despite Obama’s promises to the contrary, the band of usual suspects.
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Pass It On: Our Own Agenda- 10 Policies For a Better America

You’ve heard it before: Ralph Nader is too radical to be president. But is he too radical for the 73% of Americans who say corporations don’t pay enough taxes?
Continue reading ...Pass It On: Is This the Stake Through Neoliberalism's Heart?

Pass It On ...
Not only do McCain and Obama lack any sort of substantive plan for
addressing the economic crisis, but their contributors and campaign
advisers have a vested interest in repeating another sweet deal for
Wall Street.
Ashley Sanders
The Nader Team
Pass It On: Paulson Bailout Plan a Historic Swindle

With the Wall Street crisis continuing to darken the horizon, many journalists are making the same criticisms and offering the same solutions that Ralph Nader has been making for years. Here is William Greider on the sources of our economic woes and some level-headed ideas for getting out of it alive.
Continue reading ...Pass It On Reminder ... and First Installment

Don't miss the chance to fight big media by becoming independent media ambassadors! If you sign up for Pass It On e-mails, we will send you compelling, well-researched articles about pressing election issues -- something you won't get from the sound-bite media.
Continue reading ...Pass It On Invitation

The Nader Team is launching an exciting new e-mail campaign, called Pass It On, that will feature an important news article from the mainstream, Internet, or alternative media. These e-mails will give readers crucial information about important election issues and prepare them to make educated arguments to their friends, families, and news outlets.
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