Updated Election Results for Nader/Gonzalez State by State

Colorado Issues and 'Open Debates' to be Addressed by Nader and Gonzalez

Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at 12:00:00 AM

Media Advisory
For Immediate Release
Contact: Tarek Milleron 510-295-5118; (Denver) or
Ashley Sanders 801-916-6307, ashley@votenader.org; (Denver)

Colorado Issues and 'Open Debates' to be Addressed by Nader and Gonzalez...

Nader, Gonzalez, and Friends Will Promote 'Open Debates' and Answer News Media Questions


Nader and Gonzalez will Kick Off Colorado Campaign Swing with Wednesday afternoon Press Availability

Independent Presidential Candidate Ralph Nader and Vice Presidential Candidate Matt Gonzalez will bring their "Open the Debates" campaign tour to Colorado Wednesday Aug. 27. A few select time slots remain open for interviews with Nader or Gonzalez between 12 noon and 3:30 p.m. at the Denver Sheraton Hotel.
To book one-on-one interviews, call Tarek 510-295-5118 or Ashley Sanders 801-916- 6307.

Obtain press credentials for the news conference and super rally by calling 303-832-2509, or emailing: ashley@votenader.org.

In addition to giving a preview of the "Open the Debates" Super Rally scheduled for 7 p.m. Wednesday Aug. 27 at the University of Denver Magness Arena, Nader and Gonzalez plan to address the problems Coloradans are struggling with and to offer solutions Obama and McCain refuse to offer.

For example, the number of Coloradans without health insurance rose from 647,000 to 770,000 between 1999 and 2007. Currently 16.3 percent of the state's residents are uninsured, putting Colorado in the top 20 states for percent of population without health insurance, according to an April 2007 article in "The Gazette" of Colorado Springs.

While McCain promises more of the same broken health care system, Obama supports a cockamamie plan that doesn't cover everybody, that is based on the wasteful, fraud-ridden private insurance companies, and that caused the problems in the current system. In contrast, Nader/Gonzalez propose a
single-payer, Canadian-style, private delivery, free-choice public health insurance system that will cover everyone. 

A 2006 study by the Economic Policy Institute found that NAFTA had displaced more than 13,000 jobs in Colorado. While Obama has backtracked on his promise to reform NAFTA and McCain supports it, Nader/Gonzalez would replace unfair treaties like NAFTA and the WTO with fair trade that protects the environment, labor rights and consumer needs and democratize the process for adopting any new trade agreements.

In fact, on several other fronts, the Nader/Gonzalez ticket promotes the practical solutions you won't hear from this week's Democratic National Convention or from the upcoming Republican National Convention.
They include:

-a comprehensive, negotiated military and corporate withdrawal date from Iraq; 

-a living wage and repeal of the anti-union Taft-Hartley Act

-a no-nuke, solar-based energy policy supported by renewable, sustainable, energy-efficient sources;

-a carbon tax to deter global warming;

-an end to the corporate welfare and corporate crime that has resulted in millions losing pensions, savings and jobs and squandered tax dollars; and,

-More direct democracy reflecting the preamble to our constitution which starts with "we the people," and not "we the corporations."

PRESS CONFERENCE:  Ralph Nader and Matt Gonzalez, the 2008 Independent presidential ticket, will host a news conference at 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, Aug. 27 in the Gottesfeld Room at Magness Arena in Denver.  Speakers and performers participating in the rally will join the candidates in a call to open up Presidential debates to more than just the two corporate-sponsored parties.

RALLY INFORMATION: On the same day--after the news conference--Nader and Gonzalez will be holding a 7 p.m. "Open the Debates" Super Rally at the University of Denver Magness Arena. The Super Rally line-up will include: Sean Penn, Cindy Sheehan, Tom Morello, Jello Biafra, Nellie McKay, and Ike Reilly.

Obtain press credentials for the news conference and super rally by calling 303-832-2509, or emailing: ashley@votenader.org. Go to http://www.votenader.org/denver for more event details. For more on the campaign, visit http://www.votenader.org.
