Updated Election Results for Nader/Gonzalez State by State

Nader/Gonzalez on 3-stop Tour in Ohio

Sunday, September 7, 2008 at 12:00:00 AM

News Advisory
Contact: Marc Abizeid, 831-818-7736, marcabizeid@votenader.org (national); Justin Jeffre, 917-881-9882, justinjeffre@votenader.org (local).


Columbus Information:

On Monday, September 8 at 12:30 p.m., Independent Presidential Candidate Ralph Nader and running mate Matt Gonzalez will hold a press conference followed by a 1 p.m. campaign rally at the Drexel Theatre, 2254 E. Main St., Columbus, OH 43209. For more information call Dan Whorton at 614-573-6986.

Wilmington Information:

On Monday, September 8 at 4:30 p.m., Independent Presidential Candidate Ralph Nader and running mate Matt Gonzalez will speak at a rally sponsored by the "Save Ohio Jobs" coalition which is demonstrating against the proposed closure of a DHL freight hub in Wilmington. Shutting down the hub, which is Wilmington's largest employer, would cost between 8,000 and 10,000 workers their jobs. The rally will be held at the Kelly Center of Wilmington College, 113 College St. Wilmington, OH 45177. For more information call Tony Olsen of the Save Ohio Jobs coalition at 913-707-2471.

Cincinnati Information:

On Monday, September 8 at 7 p.m., Independent Presidential Candidate Ralph Nader and running mate Matt Gonzalez will hold a press conference followed by a 7:30 p.m. campaign rally at the Cincinnati Memorial Hall, 1229 Elm St., Cincinnati, OH 45210. For more information call Justin Jeffre at 917-881-9882.

Topics at the Rallies:

At their campaign rallies in Columbus and Cincinnati, Nader/Gonzalez will address critical issues the major party candidates have taken "off the table" that the Nader/Gonzalez campaign has put on the table, including:

- a comprehensive, negotiated military and corporate withdrawal date from Iraq;
- a single-payer, Canadian-style, private delivery, free-choice public health insurance system for all;
- a living wage and repeal of the anti-union Taft-Hartley Act;
- a no-nuke, solar-based energy policy supported by renewable, sustainable, energy-efficient sources;
- a carbon tax to deter global warming;
- an end to the corporate welfare and corporate crime that has resulted in millions losing pensions, savings and jobs and squandered tax dollars; and,
- more direct democracy reflecting the preamble to our constitution which starts with "we the people," and not "we the corporations."

About Ralph Nader
Attorney, author, and consumer advocate Ralph Nader has been named by Time Magazine one of the "100 Most Influential Americans in the 20th Century." For more than four decades he has exposed problems and organized millions of citizens into more than 100 public interest groups advocating solutions. He led the movement to establish the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Consumer Product Safety Commission, and was instrumental in enacting the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Motor Vehicle Safety Act, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and countless other pieces of important consumer legislation. Because of Ralph Nader we drive safer cars, eat healthier food, breathe better air, drink cleaner water, and work in safer environments. Nader graduated from Princeton University and received an LL.B from Harvard Law School.

About Matt Gonzalez
Matt Gonzalez was elected to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in 2000 representing San Francisco's fifth council district. From 2003 to 2005, he served as Board of Supervisors President. A former public defender, Gonzalez is managing partner of Gonzalez & Leigh, a 7-attorney practice in San Francisco that represents individuals and organizations in mediation, arbitration, and administrative proceedings before state and federal regulatory bodies. Gonzalez graduated from Columbia University and received a JD from Stanford Law School.

About the Nader/Gonzalez Campaign
According to a CNN-Opinion Research Corp. poll conducted from July 27-29, Ralph Nader is at 6 percent nationally (equivalent to about 10 million eligible voters), higher than his highest major poll numbers during the same time period in 2000 and approaching the 10 percent threshold required for eligibility to participate in "America's Presidential Debate in New Orleans," a Google-sponsored event scheduled for September 18. In the key swing state of Michigan -- whose Democratic voters were partially disenfranchised by the Democratic National Committee -- an EPIC-MRA poll found Nader at 8-10 percent.

For more information on the Nader/Gonzalez campaign, visit: votenader.org.
