Ralph Nader for President 2008 blog
Sprint to the Super Rallies
![Sprint to the Super Rallies](/blog/200px_Ashley_Sanders.jpg)
We are in a sprint to the finish line.
That would be November 4.
And we're not about to let up.
But for the first time since we started this campaign, we are in danger of not meeting one of our financial goals.
Continue reading ...Busting it in Denver, Shooting for November
![Busting it in Denver, Shooting for November](/email/general/2008/08/18/200px_denver_folks_2.jpg)
Thousands of you have already donated very generously to Nader/Gonzalez.
Thank you.
But tens of thousands of you have not.
So, today is your day.
Join Our Super Rallies for Open Debates!
![Join Our Super Rallies for Open Debates!](/blog/2008/06/09/200px_debate_nader-300.jpg)
Good morning.
This is Ralph Nader.
As you know, Nader/Gonzalez is being blocked from the Presidential debates.
corporate controlled, so-called Commission on Presidential Debates will not let
any independent candidate in unless they show 15 percent in a series of
polls in September.
50 Dollars for 50 States
![50 Dollars for 50 States](/email/general/200px_Fifty_Dollar_Bill.jpg)
Ralph Nader is the only Presidential candidate who has promised to campaign in all 50 states this year.
In the age of the Internet, Ralph is a believer in taking it directly to the people.
State by state.
And whatever Ralph says goes.
Continue reading ...Health Care Politics
![Health Care Politics](/blog/2008/05/06/200px_200px_nurse1.jpg)
One of my favorite monthly publications is Registered Nurse – the journal of the fast growing, progressive California Nurses Association (CNA) – a union that stands up for patients rights and well-being.
The June 2008 issue contains stories that illustrate how this nurses group takes stands. On June 19, the CNA sponsored street rallies for its Medicare for all (single-payer with free choice of doctor and hospital) in San Francisco and a dozen other major cities around the nation. For over a decade these nurses have made full Medicare for all their major goal. They have run voter initiatives, lobbied legislatures and have opposed sweetheart labor-management deals like those embraced by the Service Employees International Union – SEIU. (SEIU also opposes single-payer health insurance which is supported by a majority of physicians and the American people.)
Continue reading ...Two DVDs from Ralph Nader to You
![Two DVDs from Ralph Nader to You](/email/general/2008/08/14/200px_two-fifties.gif)
Are you a crazy Nader voter?
If yes, prove it.
Michael Moore yesterday called you "crazy" for supporting and voting for Ralph Nader for President.
Michael Moore says we're all crazy.
Continue reading ...Denver, Minneapolis, Here We Come
![Denver, Minneapolis, Here We Come](/email/general/200px_New_Widget.jpg)
Are you ready to rumble?
If yes, make a contribution now to help fund our protest rallies in Denver (August 27) and Minneapolis (September 4).
Continue reading ...Daily Audio Message from Ralph
![Daily Audio Message from Ralph](/blog/200px_Audio_Widget.jpg)
We are launching a new feature on votenader.org.
It's a daily audio message from Ralph Nader.
Continue reading ...Nader Super Rallies Set for Denver, Minneapolis
Two weeks ago, we asked you for $100,000 to get us on the ballots in 30 states.
You came through with flying colors - over $120,000 - with half of that - $60,000 - coming in the last four days.
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Ralph’s Weekend Audio Message
![Ralph’s Weekend Audio Message](/blog/2008/08/09/200px_2568258173_bbecbe7b38_m-1.jpg)
Click here for Ralph's Saturday audio message.
This is Ralph Nader.
I'm very proud of the millions of Americans who are standing with me and my running mate Matt Gonzalez in this momentous election year.
To the scores of signature gatherers around the country who have beared bad weather -- thank you.
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