Pass it On
Pass It On: An Earful

Now that the election is approaching, everybody is coming down from the hype to ask: what will happen after?
Continue reading ...Pass It On: Healthcare not Wealthcare

Once again, the claim that Ralph Nader is a fringe candidate is contradicted by raw numbers and a broad base of support for nonpartisan reform.
Continue reading ...Pass It On: Obama Brand Democracy

The collusion between politics is more dangerous and more expansive than anyone could have imagined, and this year's multi-billion dollar election looks more like an auction where politicians are bought and sold than a democracy.
Continue reading ...Pass It On: Taking One from FDR's Playbook

In this new political landscape, Barack Obama appears to be throwing pretty words at a Grand Canyon of a problem.
Continue reading ...Pass It On: Technocracy vs. Democracy

In his wide-ranging article, Mickey Z goes beyond the he-said-she-said of policy battles and reminds us that we do not live in a technocracy--where we discuss moral issues as strategic issues--but in a democracy--where we should use our freedom of speech to demand real equality for everyone.
Continue reading ...Pass It On: Divide & Conquer

Powerful people with a vested interest in perpetuating the war in Iraq--along with a complicit media--have masked their true motives for war with a humanitarian cry.
Continue reading ...Pass It On: Am I Right or Am I Right?

Reaching across the aisle is easy, it seems, when there is no aisle to reach across.
Continue reading ...Pass It On: Make-Believe Maverick

It's bad enough when political discussions of character are exploited to deflect discussion on real issues, but it's more ironic when a candidate's self-styled character image is a front for a host of exactly opposite character defects.
Continue reading ...Pass It On: Bailout Beach Party '08

The other day we sent you an article about how John McCain spent his bailout vacation. Now we see that he was not alone, as AIG assuaged its bailout guilt with a deluxe California retreat.
Continue reading ...Pass It On: Born-Again Democracy

In the next few weeks, the American public needs to stand strong against more bailouts.
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