Ralph Nader for President 2008 blog
Our Post-Election Issues Survey

Thanks to all of you who participated in our recent survey.
We wanted to know what issues you were most interested in working on.
More than 10,000 of you responded.
And the results are now in.
Continue reading ...In the Public Interest: The More Things Change The More They Stay The Same

While the liberal intelligentsia was swooning over Barack Obama during his presidential campaign, I counseled "prepare to be disappointed." His record as an Illinois state and U.S. Senator, together with the many progressive and long overdue courses of action he opposed during his campaign, rendered such a prediction unfortunate but obvious.
Continue reading ...In the Public Interest: Restoring the Constitution

Barack Obama is receiving lots of advice from many people these days about the collapse of Wall Street, the sinking economy and the quagmire wars he will inherit from the Bush regime. However, there is one important matter that he alone can address with his legal training and the sworn oath he will take on January 20 to uphold the Constitution. That phenomenon is the systemic, chronic lawlessness and criminality of the Bush/Cheney regime which he must unravel and stop.
Continue reading ...
Blow Out Nader/Gonzalez DVD/Book Sale

It's a blow out clearance Nader/Gonzalez DVD/book sale!
Everything must go!
We're slashing prices!
Just in time for Thanksgiving and the Holidays.
Pick up your Nader/Gonzalez memorabilia.
Soon to be classic collector's items.
Continue reading ...What We Accomplished Together

To staff, volunteers, supporters, donors, and voters
Authoritative public sentiments have always been there, have they not? From the Declaration of Independence's majestic prose to the preamble of our Constitution which begins with "We the People of the United States ..." to Lincoln's Gettysburg Address "toward a new birth of freedom ... for a government of the people, by the people and for the people" to the last words of the pledge of allegiance -- "with liberty and justice for all."
Continue reading ...In the Public Interest: Between Hope and Reality

Dear Senator Obama:
...Your presidential campaign again and again has demonstrated cowardly stands. "Hope" some say "springs eternal." But not when "reality" consumes it daily...
Continue reading ...Ralph Nader’s Statement on the Truncated Quotation Used by Shepard Smith on Fox News

Fox talk show host Shepard Smith repeated my question that was posed for Senator Barack Obama in an interview with Fox radio station KTRH Houston but deleted the last several words after giant corporations. The full question posed to Senator Obama that is his to answer in the coming months was as follows:
Continue reading ...Hold Your Heads Up High

Against all odds.
We prevailed.
We drew the line.
And together, we chose to make a stand.
Continue reading ...We're Having a Party!

We're having a party!
A Nader/Gonzalez party!
Tonight, we celebrate.
If you are a skeptic, you might be asking -- what, pray tell, are you celebrating?
To which we answer --
In case you missed it: The Real VP Debate

Missed the real V.P. debate last night?
Worry not, the event was recorded for your viewing enjoyment.
Click "continue reading" to watch the debate.