High Crimes and Misdemeanors

President George W. Bush is guilty of at least 5 impeachable offenses that go on day after day.
This page details the charges against President George W. Bush.
For a discussion of why impeachment should be exercised, click here.
- Criminal use of force against Iraq.
The Iraq war was unlawful from the start, and the occupation continues to be unlawful to this day. First, it was a violation of the Constitution, as war was never officially declared by Congress. Second, it was a violation of the UN Charter, as it was not approved in the Security Council, nor did the war amount to an act of "defense” in any reasonable estimation.
The war to date has resulted in the deaths of over 1 million Iraqis, over 4,000 U.S. soldiers, and injured and debilitated tens of thousands more.
- Condoned and approved systemic torture.
Torture is a violation of international treaties and U.S. domestic law. In addition, it has been shown to illicit faulty intelligence, and it makes U.S. military personal vulnerable to torture in turn.
- Arresting Americans without charges.
Under Bush, and the unconstitutional Patriot Act, thousands of Americans have been arrested without charge and denied their habeas corpus rights. In addition, their conversations with their attorneys have been monitored, violating their attorney/client privilege.
- Signing more than 1000 signing statements.
George W. Bush has issued the greatest number of signing statements of any president in U.S. history. The signing statement is a provision that dates back to the founding of the country, typically reserved for making rhetorical statements at the time of a bill’s passage into law. Bush has used these statements in a way they were never meant for: to preclude himself from having to follow the laws he signs.
The American Bar Association has condemned Bush’s use of signing statements, calling it a violation of the separation of powers defined under the constitution, which only allows a President to either sign or veto a bill; the constitution does not permit a President to obey a law only when they feel like it.
Read the ABA’s statement against Bush’s use of signing statements:
- Systematic spying on Americans without judicial approval.
Spying on citizens without judicial approval is a violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA). It carries a 5-year prison sentence for each violation and is a first class felony. It carries a jail term and it is a first class felony. It is also a violation of the Constitution.
Bush has admitted these violations, and thinks he can get away with it under the cover of "national security”. No person is above the law, but George W. Bush has turned himself into an authoritarian monarch.
Ralph Nader’s May 23, 2008 press conference on the impeachment of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney in front of the White House. Follow the link: http://www.cspan.org/search.aspx?For=ralph+nader+impeachment&By=Date