What's Your Breaking Point
Breaking Point: For Posterity

This election is about more than rhetoric in 2008. It's about action for future generations.
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Breaking Point: Where's Your Candidate?

Upon emerging from the voting booth, my son was asked if he would like to have his picture taken with his candidate. He said he would and he stood off to the far left away from the two cardboard cutouts, next to an American flag standing in the corner.
Continue reading ...Breaking Point: The Real McCoy

November 4th is only two days away! New voters, converted voters, quadrennial voters, and those who have been disillusioned for many years are all rallying behind the one ticket that promises to be For the People and By the People: Nader/Gonzalez.
Onward to the polls!
Breaking Point: Obama Unmasked As An Economic Pirate

I’ve spent my entire life undecided. Sitting on the sidelines. Researching. Listening to the talking points from both sides of the aisle, trying to determine which political party best represents /my/ ideals, should the time come to finally align myself. This year that time has come, and I’ve reached the ultimate conclusion: it is neither.
Continue reading ...Breaking Point: Voting for the First Time in 40 years...for Nader!

"...Now with your candidacy he will register once again in order to vote for you. We both have never felt worse about this country than we do now, and your candidacy will be a motivating factor in getting him to register."
Continue reading ...Breaking Point: Snatching Inspiration from the Jaws of Defeat

They feel like what they say or do does not matter. And in our current political climate, it doesn't. Seeing the defeat in too many people was my breaking point.
Continue reading ...Breaking Point: Bailing on the Bailout Boys

The bailout is a strong example of a majority of voters wanting one thing, but the two major parties pandering to another force, namely their corporate backers. When this happens, those voters turn to Nader/Gonzalez as the last refuge from corporate power.
Continue reading ...Breaking Point: We Will Decide

"...By the time I was through explaining to him about the erosion of the Constitution, the MSM Blackout, Wall Street Bail Out, etc, I had him thinking at the very least..."
Continue reading ...Breaking Point: Over the Edge

Bye Obama - I need to start making phone calls for Nader/Gonzalez.
Continue reading ...Breaking Point: Raiders' Battle Cry

What's more appropriate for the last 2 weeks than a battle cry to take us to November 4th?
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